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What is Emotional CPR and why do Veterinarians and Animal Health Professionals need eCPR training?


Emotional CPR is a public health program of the National Empowerment Center, designed by people with lived experience to teach ANYONE to assist another through an emotional crisis.


Watch the video at right to learn more about eCPR with Dr. Daniel Fisher, and see my interview above about eCPR and why the Veterinary industry needs this education.


I am available for eCPR training sessions, articles/information, and more. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about a training for your group. Together we can make a change for veterinary professionals (and lay people!) everywhere.


A new RACE-Approved 1-CE Credit eCPR Webinar will be available online May 2024!


Click forward to minute 29:00 to hear an interview with me and Debbie Louks of Horse Radio Network on eCPR and the equine veterinarian!

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00:00 / 53:43

Additional articles on eCPR and the Veterinary Profession

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