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Tools in the Toolbox...

I started my post-internship career in a traditional fast-paced veterinary practice, 10-15-minute appointments, a symptom-only approach, and frustration with the "antibiotics and steroids for everyone" mantra. I wanted to practice a different way, to get to know my clients and patients, and to look at the whole picture. I wanted to provide options, to dig deeper into biomechanics, neurology, and wellness. I made the shift in 2005 when I started schooling for Veterinary Chiropractic and began my own practice. It's a journey down a rabbit-hole, one modality leads to the next, adding tools to the toolbox and then learning how to use them together, or separately, how to listen to the patient, and to recognize that there is not one magic treatment for all. The most important lesson of all - knowing when NOT to treat a patient in order to do no harm. I offer many tools in my practice. Read on to learn about my services. 

horse chiropractic
Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy (VSMT)
and Applied Kinesiology


Chiropractic care works through receptor-based therapy, affecting the nervous system and the immune system. When nerves aren't firing correctly, areas may be weak or too tight, creating imbalances. These changes may be secondary to normal wear and tear, trauma (slips, falls, stepping in a hole), improperly fitted tack (saddles, bridles, bits), changes in trimming or shoeing, dental procedures, surgery and much more. Dr. Robson is also trained in Applied Kinesiology, and is able to incorporate AK in her chiropractic assessments and treatments for superior results.


Bodywork, trigger-point release, myofascial treatment, and core strengthening exercises and tools (EquiBands, etc.) are also incorporated or discussed as part of a whole horse evaluation.  Horses were not designed to be ridden, we must take care of the structures on which we sit!



**Please note that in most states it is illegal for a non-veterinarian or lay-person to make chiropractic adjustments. Unskilled treatment may cause irreparable harm.  Please seek a properly certified and licensed practitioner and check your state practice laws regarding who may provide services. Stay away from lay-practitioners and long-lever techniques!

Veterinary Acupuncture - TCVM
& Chinese Herbal Medicine


Dr. Robson is a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist through the Chi Institute in Gainesville, FL, and has also completed Advanced Training. TCVM is based on the Five-Element Theory: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. An acupuncture evaluation includes constitution/element evaluation, tongue and pulse assessment, acupoint and meridian scanning, and dry needling, aquapuncture (Vitamin B-12), moxibustion, or electrostimulation (electroacupuncture) depending on each case.

Most patients tolerate acupuncture very well, the needles are very small, thin, and inserted carefully to an appropriate depth. However, not all patients tolerate needles, in which cases alternatives such as acupressure, cold laser treatment, herbal therapy, or aquapuncture may be best. 

Acupuncture may be combined with Chinese Herbal Medicine. Herbs are typically chosen carefully in consideration of the patient's constitution and underlying TCVM diagnosis.  Only top-quality, non-animal medicines are used.

Buddha Close Up

Emotional-CPR, VHSC, Mindfulness Classes


Dr. Robson is a Lead Trainer for Emotional-CPR, a public health program of the National Empowerment Center. Please see the Emotional-CPR tab to learn more. She also holds a Certificate in Veterinary Human Support from the University of Tennessee College of Social Work and College of Veterinary Medicine. She hosts the Veterinary Sangha FB page, and is a Certified Mindfulness TEacher through the Mindfulness Training Institute.



Dr. Robson has worked with Master Saddlers for nearly 20 years, and has studied the anatomy of fitting and how each horse tells us what they need! Saddlefit assessment and education is a major part of my practice and has its own tab above. Please click on the link to learn more about these services.  I am incredibly proud to be an official fitter for Peter Horobin Saddlery Stride-Free Saddles. I am available to fit both Western and English saddles. Ultimately, I don't care what you ride long as it fits! Let's work together to find what's best for you and your horse! 

Infrared Thermography


As a Level One Certified Thermographer and Technical Director of EquineIR, I'm a long-time advocate of PROPER and STANDARDIZED use of infrared thermography. The thermographic camera is non-invasive, safe, and converts infrared waves into images visible with the human eye. Increased and decreased circulation can be compared to typical patterning to determine areas of inflammation or disease. Infrared thermography is "physiologic" imaging and helps to locate and monitor lameness and healing, and is also very useful for saddlefitting, helping with trimming and shoeing (identify imbalances, bruises, abscesses). Anatomic imaging (radiographs, ultrasound, MRI) is often needed post-scan to identify the "part" that is affected. A whole horse scan can be performed in about 20 minutes, followed by a couple days to process and intepret images into a report. Patient and environmental preparation is necessary for quality images, and images should only be interpreted by an experienced veterinarian.

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